Saturday, April 12, 2008

TV Ad 3

I came across this ad on a blog site somewhere, and was immediately disgusted. In the ad, an old man is ...milking his nipples, while eating sour Skittles, and another man is yelling at him for making his milk sour.

Seriously, ew.

I guess I can understand how Skittle was attempting to solidify I can't see how anyone at Skittles didn't stop for a moment and think, "Maybe this isn't a good idea." I just wanted to look away the whole time. Why would anyone in the world ever want to see, let alone think about, an old man milking his nipples for milk someone else would drink? Especially the target market for sour Skittles- kids, mainly males, around ages 9-16. While they might be into the current trend of "gross out" culture, this ad goes a little to far off the deep end to even hit that mark.

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